Bio: Who Is Eva Akhter, the Fashion & Lifestyle Icon?

Eva Akhter is a celebrated Instagram model, businesswoman, and animal welfare advocate. She is the founder and CEO of A5 Media, a renowned digital marketing agency in Canada. As an Instagram model, Eva currently has over 222 thousand followers.

Eva was born in Karachi, Pakistan, and she immigrated to Canada over a decade ago with her husband, Aelia Yousaf, which allowed her to live out her dream of becoming a model. Growing up in a restrictive country like Pakistan made Eva’s goal of becoming a model very hard as society discouraged girls from choosing this career path. “The traditional Pakistani idea of living a fulfilled life as a woman follows a very typical route: get married, have kids, and become a housewife,” says Eva.   

Eva has used the power of social media to become a model with influence and gain fans who enjoy following her lifestyle and fashion choices. Her followers also enjoy the fashion and lifestyle tips that she posts on social media. After being contacted by businesses to organize collaborations with her, Eva was able to take her career to the next level. 

Social media has allowed Eva to build herself a modeling career, effectively cutting out the need for a modeling agency. By launching a career that centers around lifestyle and fashion through social media, Eva now wants to use her 222K followers and online platforms to help encourage other women, especially Pakistani women, to go after their dreams.

When Eva made social media her runway and portfolio, she not only made a career for herself as an Instagram model, but she has also become a role model to many other women. By creating an inclusive space on social media, Eva has shown other women that it is possible to be a model, even if you’re not 6 feet tall and weigh more than 100 pounds—beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. She is showing young girls that it is ok to dream and follow your passion and that they can also make it in the fashion and modeling industries.

As well as having a t-shirt and lifestyle brand, JW4DOGGO, Eva is also looking to launch her non-profit foundation, Eva Foundation, where she will donate 100% of the proceeds to various dog shelters and rescues in India. Eva is also a respected name in the digital marketing scene in Canada. Renowned media outlets like International Business Times and Tech Bullion have featured her online modeling career and ideas on the evolving trends in digital marketing. As the CEO of A5 Media, Eva believes that progressive web apps and eye-soothing visuals help brands dominate the online space.

From being a housewife to becoming an entrepreneur, businesswoman, and social media model, Eva Akhter has grown her career through social media. She is now using the massive following and attention her modeling career receives to champion a cause close to her heart, rescue dogs, and in doing so, create a better world for everyone.  

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